WELCOME to our website! Please allow me to share some basic information that may help you navigate the BUILDING PERMIT process. The Town is committed to making the process as painless as possible with the ultimate goal of maintaining a safe environment for all of us!
Demotown has adopted the Interstellar Uniform Building Code for its base.
At present, the town does not have Zoning Regulations but does have several Local Laws designed to maintain a safe, comfortable environment for our residents.
Every project you do to your home requires a permit. Not really, but if you act as if that is true then you will always have one when you need it. We believe it is better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.
Permits, associated fees, instructions and information required from the applicant are available from the Town Offices. If you have questions regarding the application, PLEASE call or email for clarification. This will make the process easier, improve communication and reduce the risk of noncompliance issues.
THANK YOU for choosing to build, renovate or make your home more comfortable! It’s a nice place to live, vacation, work and most importantly, a great community to raise a family!